Carving Our Destiny

We can carve our own destiny. The point of power is in the present moment but not in the way some might suppose. To live and act in the present moment is to reap the full benefits of past actions and make choices affecting our future in a positive way. Too many people dwell on the past and spend their energy wishing things were different or like they used to be. This is a waste of precious time.

Others say, “I will write my book next year” or start exercising after the holidays. They have plan after plan but never get started because a new plan comes along and takes its place. The net result is nothing substantial ever gets done.

Even more interesting, most people live for immediate gratification and won’t put effort out for long range goals. Long range goals are simply too unreal for them. A long-range goal is like an abstract thought that is too difficult to take seriously.

It is a balancing act to learn from our past and make choices affecting our future. We do this by living fully in the present moment. It might help to realize the major events of our lives are locked into place a year ahead of time. This is a metaphysical truth. The main events of our lives are preordained, not before we were born but at least a year ahead of time.

The Akashic records are etheric in nature. They reflect things that will happen in the future and things that have happened in the past. It is possible to dream about future events that will come true. Each year new events enter into the akashic records. They are potential events ready to manifest physically. The end point for putting new events into the akashic records is the autumn equinox of each year.

This means the main events we experience were placed into the akashic record some time during the last year. There is lag time between when they enter and when they physically manifest.

Minor alterations in our physical life can be filled using the lunar cycle as well. It is important to live in harmony with both the solar and lunar cycles of nature. Our physical body lives in the (physical) universe and our soul lives in the (astral) universe. Each universe has different rules. As physical matter gravitates toward each other in the physical universe, events gravitate toward each other in the astral universe. There are critical time periods where everything happens at once and long periods where nothing significant happens.

This is a natural phenomenon that astrology has tried to understand and master. The important point is there are periods of time that are more important than others and we must take advantage of them to be successful in life. Proper timing is the key to everything in life.

By the same token, don’t attempt something when the time is wrong because the entire effort might be put at risk. Our “inner authority” will guide us into action at the proper time when we learn to listen to it. We can learn to recognize the natural closing points and opportunities that surround us by living in the present moment.

Paying attention to the natural closure points and opportunity points as they occur is what mastery of life is all about. Trying to force things at the wrong time leads to nothing but pain and heartache. If we try the entire universe works against us. If the timing is right the entire universe works with us and supports our efforts.

Modern Survivalism gives the basics for modern survivalism and self empowerment techniques.This is the OAK 2nd Degree study material and the ultimate self-help book. Empower yourself today!This book is available as a quality paperback for $16.60 or an email download for $6.25!

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?


Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports

July 10, 2008. adventure, astral projection, books, ebooks, extreme sports, fitness, health, neo-tech, objectivism, relationships, self help, self improvement, serialadventures, spirituality, survivalism, Uncategorized. 1 comment.

Our Inner Child

Our “inner child” knows how to live a balanced life. We can recapture the excitement, the adventure and the energy we had as children. This will help us live a balanced life.

There are some important differences between the child and the adult we can explore. The excess energy children have comes into this life with them from past lives. It is energy they have earned and brought to use as they wish.

This surplus energy is used up by puberty and its absence triggers the need for the body to produce its own energy. There is a reversal of energy flow as the child hits adolescence and the free energy is no longer available.

This produces the stress and angst teenagers experience. Producing our own energy is difficult at first and instead we get energy from other people, especially as teenagers. We hang out with people that give us the energy we require. In like manner, they get energy from us. This is mutually beneficial.

At first most of the energy comes from our parents through our genetic link. This link is an etheric link that exists throughout our lives. That is why the relationship between us and our parents is so important in modern psychology.

Of the seven types of shared energies, the chances are at least one type of energy comes naturally and easy to us. Other types comes very hard. We use our “friends” as crutches to balance our lives and provide us with those hard to get energies. The energy cycle of relationships is like this:

1- Union- we have enough energy as children and freely give it away to others.
2- Movement-We sense our lack and move toward energy we can’t produce ourselves. Not knowing where to turn, we begin to explore our environment.

3- Attraction-We are increasingly drawn toward another person and have identified our energy goals.

4- Seduction- The other person invites us into their sphere of energy and gives us the energy we crave.

5- Entrapment-We realize the other person is feeding off our energies the same way we are feeding off theirs. We are locked in co-dependency.

6- Exploitation- We are taken for granted as the other person gets their own energy needs met. We get less energy than we are giving out. We give less in return and take them for granted or turn to others and exploit them.

7- Loss of innocence-We have trapped ourselves in a relationship that is not healthy and we can’t get out of it. Energy we can’t spare is being taken from us and we are emotionally drained. At the same time we drain energy from others in a vicious cycle.

8- Join forces-We use cooperative communication and supportive effort to move toward mutual goals and needs even though the spark and the attraction are gone. We realize mutually using each other can achieve positive results even if it is not exactly what we would like.

9- The spark-A new type of attraction is born out of competency as we become successful. We no longer need the other person or their energy but choose to be with them out of friendship. We have earned the respect of our partner and in turn we respect them.

10- Realization-We understand each other as true equal partners in the giving and receiving of energy within the relationship. We realize our own strengths and weaknesses as well as those of our partner and value our relationship with each other.

Through work we train ourselves to generate the energy we need. We develop the ability to generate each energy easily and once more have a surplus of it. This is important because most of the things we lack in life are the result of not having enough energy to go out and get them. This surplus energy allows us to reclaim our “inner child”.
This cycle of energy dynamics within relationships is further explored in OAK:Tarot of Love and Romance.

Modern Survivalism gives the basics for modern survivalism and self empowerment techniques.This is the OAK 2nd Degree study material and the ultimate self-help book. Empower yourself today!This book is available as a quality paperback for $16.60 or an email download for $6.25!

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?


Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports

July 8, 2008. adventure, astral projection, books, ebooks, extreme sports, fitness, health, neo-tech, objectivism, relationships, self help, self improvement, serialadventures, spirituality, survivalism. 1 comment.

Actuality vs. Reality

Defining terms is important in communicating with others. The following concept is about “actuality Vs reality”. Actuality is what exists in the universe. We might never know it because it is so complex and based in chaos theory. What exists might be so complex the human mind might not be able to perceive or understand it.

Consider that animals are able to smell scents we are not aware of. The honeybee can see colors we are not aware of. There are many life forms living in our world that sense things we do not. It is almost as if they are living in a different world. We are limited by what our outer and inner “senses” tell us and we call that “reality”.

The scents we can’t smell and the colors we can’t see are not “real” to us and are not part of our “reality”. It is our subjective view of “Reality” that we live and act in.
There is also a “collective reality” we agree on most of the time. For example we agree to drive on the right side of the road if we live in the United States. There is a paradoxical element about actuality and reality.

The closer our “reality” approximates “actuality”, the more successful our efforts will be. If we believe in a fantasy that is make believe it will never manifest results in physical life. If it works use it. If it does not work…throw it away. We are interested in results and in fulfillment of our needs. We are not interested in perpetuating illusion and superstition.

Another aspect of this issue is that a “close minded” person will achieve much more than an “open minded” person. The close minded person has no doubt about what is right and what is wrong. He or she does not hesitate to do what he or she feels is needed. For personal empowerment we need to be “close minded”. This will grant us certainty and keep us tightly focused on our goal.

The trick is to be “close minded” in a healthy way. We do this by perfecting our personal view of reality or our “paradigm”. In following our “inner authority” we get flashes of insight and personal “truths” that gradually become our “reality”. When we find our “true path” and “True Will” we know what is real for us. We become “close minded” in confidence that we are doing what is best for both ourselves and we are also helping the entire human race.

Modern Survivalism gives the basics for modern survivalism and self empowerment techniques.This is the OAK 2nd Degree study material and the ultimate self-help book. Empower yourself today!This book is available as a quality paperback for $16.60 or an email download for $6.25!

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?


Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports

July 6, 2008. adventure, astral projection, books, ebooks, extreme sports, fitness, health, neo-tech, objectivism, relationships, self help, self improvement, serialadventures, spirituality, survivalism. 1 comment.

The Balance of Life

There should be a balance to our lives. Everything is where it should be within our environment. The door we must open lies within our reach if we can only discover where it is.

Whereever it is we want to go, our starting point is in the same room we are in right now. There is an action we can take that will alter our life. That action is a new action we have not taken before and we probably don’t know what that action is. That action might be a small simple action but it will have tremendous consequences on the rest of our life.

Most of the time it comes out of our blind spot and we only stumble upon it by accident. Many actions are like walking on a treadmill. We put out effort and energy but don’t get any place. When we do the wrong actions we don’t get anywhere.

When we do the right actions our lives are changed forever. Correct actions are accumulative and empower us over time. Good friends can see the things we can’t. They will help us if we let them. One secret is closure. When we start something we must finish it or the energy we have already spent remains unfocused and acts as a drain on our energy reserves. Instead of walking on an endless treadmill we can break our actions down into specific physical tasks that can be completed with closure.

Completing something gives us energy to start new projects. Completing brings energy back into our lives. If we don’t finish we never get the energy back. During each day set aside a portion of time to work for specific future goals. In performing these tasks our efforts take on added power and momentum. At first perhaps very little can be done, in time more and more can be accomplished.

Effort toward goals is cumulative and will grow in time. We progress in life through modest accumulated effort and not through heroic one time efforts. This has been one of the most difficult lessons I have had to learn. I have always wanted to do the heroic and not deal with the day to day realities. This reluctance to deal with the day to day realities of life has held me back for years. I am only now starting to come to terms with this issue.

All out heroic efforts have not gotten me anyplace except out of the frying pan and into the fire. Modest accumulations over long periods of time have brought the most important and lasting changes into my life.

As an example I got married and joined the military in a heroic effort at raising a family. It didn’t work. I got the marriage and the family but I also got the divorce and the separation from my children. Heroic efforts seem in my life to be like a two edged sword take gives and takes. Slow and steady bring true results. Like a fine wine, the universe and nature will not be rushed. Everything has its own season. If we don’t have something it is because we are not ready to have it. We don’t know enough about what we want.

Modest forward progress has been constant and over the years the thing that has been most empowering in my life. The pattern seems to be take a risk, gain experience and then gain skill. When enough skill has been gained I have advanced. At this point my progress seems to be increasing at an exponential rate. The progress I have made toward personal goals in the past year alone is more than I have made in the ten previous years combined.

I’ve got to conclude that long term planning and working toward long term goals are two of the key ingredients for personal empowerment and goal achievement. This is especially effective when combined with the closure concept. It seems to be an unbeatable combination.

This balance is only possible by working through and with the conditions of my life as they currently are and not as I wish them to be. Break things down into small chunks that are easy to do and put closure on them. Slow and steady does win the race.

Modern Survivalism gives the basics for modern survivalism and self empowerment techniques.This is the OAK 2nd Degree study material and the ultimate self-help book. Empower yourself today!This book is available as a quality paperback for $16.60 or an email download for $6.25!

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?


Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports

July 4, 2008. adventure, astral projection, books, ebooks, extreme sports, fitness, health, neo-tech, objectivism, relationships, self help, self improvement, serialadventures, spirituality, survivalism, Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

Romantic Love B

When we fall in love with someone of the opposite sex the energy dynamics will help each partner develop an astral body and sense of self. It is this feeling of growth and completeness that makes love so exhilarating. When we are with this person we feel alive and vibrant.

There are many ways to fall in love with someone. The relationship may even be only a casual friendship or acquaintance, love at a distance. In each instance there is a mutual attraction of energy.

This all sounds so complex and impersonal that I would like to share my own story. I have experienced devastating “puppy love” in my youth and then later a broken marriage that taught me many karmic lessons about living with someone else.

Through the healing process I was attracted and fell in love with other women that were teachers and taught me different growth experiences and relationship skills. At the conclusion of each relationship we managed to part with as much love, respect and peace as possible. We simply grew away from each other and were healthy enough to let go when we needed to.

These some of these relationships would be considered platonic and non-physical in nature. They involved minimal physical contact with each other but major contact with each other in dreams of great intensity. This dream contact always led to an alchemical marriage type of experience in which our astral bodies were bonded together at every level possible. Each relationship gave the impression of being a soul mate relationship but only on the level it existed on. When personal growth spilled over into other levels the relationship was terminated. We could not give each other what we needed for continued soul growth.

Each woman gave me experiences that I badly needed to learn. Because of these experiences I am more able to do my part in making a relationship work over long periods of time. My experiences were all positive and healing. It was these relationships that allowed me to find my current wife.

Because of these experiences I feel it is natural for different people to come into our lives at times and then leave when they are no longer needed. Such relationships encourage and develop our inner selves and bring needed communication and relationship experience. The important thing is to be able to let go when we must let go and be able to do so with as much love as possible.

Not one of my experiences in a relationship was repeated in another one. It was as if something was created within me and reached fulfillment. Each relationship involved new energies and new issues in my life. Each relationship was healthier because I was able to use my growing relationship skills to sustain it for as long as possible. Each relationship made new demands on me that increasingly involved effort on my part to make the relationship work. By now I have become convinced a lasting love relationship is one of the most difficult things possible but also one of the most rewarding.

Modern Survivalism gives the basics for modern survivalism and self empowerment techniques.This is the OAK 2nd Degree study material and the ultimate self-help book. Empower yourself today!This book is available as a quality paperback for $16.60 or an email download for $6.25!

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?


Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports

July 2, 2008. adventure, astral projection, books, ebooks, extreme sports, fitness, health, neo-tech, objectivism, relationships, self help, self improvement, serialadventures, spirituality, survivalism, Uncategorized. 1 comment.

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