Romantic Love A

Why do people fall in love? Why do people fall out of love? These are questions that have been asked for as long as people have fallen in love. We fall in love because there is a need for what our partner provides.

Love is a symbiotic relationship that goes to our core. There are marked differences between the sexes that need to be openly stated and discussed. Males and females each follow different paths of ego development.

The book “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” touches upon these striking differences. We each create what the other craves and needs. Most of us dream of a soul mate relationship with a partner ideally suited for us, someone that would complete us in all ways. Just about everyone would like that experience.

To aspire to this type of romantic love relationship is one of the most selfish things possible. Such a relationship would contain only two people and leave out the rest of the world wouldn’t it?

At least that is the fear of many people when they see two lovers caught up in each other. Friends, family and job often suffer and take a lower priority and importance than the romantic partner. The collective suffers.

To become too involved in love threatens the social structure and the survival of the community. We don’t have time any more for our friends.

Our society and culture actively encourage us to think of others, to think of national interests, our political party, favorite charity, job and community. Society and culture are constantly trying to find new ways to separate us from our romantic partner. It is not surprising so few romantic love relationships ever last.

There are so many powerful forces in each of our lives working against it from the very start. We are taught being selfish is wrong and this is the fundamental point we must come to terms with if we ever want romantic love and have it last.

Being selfish and wanting love and a romantic partner is a good thing and not a bad thing. Society and community will benefit from romantic love relationships. Family is at least as important as the security of our nation. Should we deny ourselves happiness in life and suffer for other people or should we live for our own happiness and share that happiness with those around us? To experience romantic love we live for our own happiness and follow a course of action that will find us an appropriate partner.

What is it that makes romantic love so special? Why do we feel alive and vibrant when we are with the person that we love? Why does that person make us feel complete?

It is this feeling of completeness that really defines romantic love. In this feeling of completeness we feel that we have a self. This feeling of completeness makes us feel like a person, like an individual. We feel complete and it feels good! We feel important and loved as much as we love. We also feel all we need is the love of our partner and that is the danger.

Most of us have experienced that intense emotional experience called “puppy love”. This is a soul level experience and involves our capacity for love. In “puppy love” we have a giant crush on somebody and give all of ourself to this person gladly and willingly. We expect that same intensity of love in return and when it is not returned we are no longer as young and innocent as we were before.

From this point on we earn the love and respect of any potential romantic partner and it is not an easy road to follow. To find love we first find self esteem and learn to love our own self.

Love and respect exist on every level. We develop the capacity for self esteem and love with our entire being. The only way to do this is to find someone to interact with us and teach us. This means we can be attracted to someone spiritually, mentally,emotionally, sexually or physically. Each type of love relationship is valid and causes our souls to grow as we share with this other person.

Somehow we find a teacher for each type of energy, someone of the opposite sex that will teach us the mysteries of that energy, someone that will give us experience that we need. At the same time we are teaching them and giving them experiences they need to become complete. We use each other to become complete.

It is very rare that one person will be able to teach us and develop us in each of the energies. It is more probable that we fall in love at different times with different people and learn the lessons they each have to teach us. We in turn will be helping them to learn and develop in a mutual relationship of growth and development. These relationships end when our capacity for self-esteem and love has been established and we are ready to move on to other areas. We have become complete in that area and don’t need them anymore. This defines a co-dependent relationship fairly well.

Modern Survivalism gives the basics for modern survivalism and self empowerment techniques.This is the OAK 2nd Degree study material and the ultimate self-help book. Empower yourself today!This book is available as a quality paperback for $16.60 or an email download for $6.25!

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?


Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports

June 30, 2008. adventure, astral projection, books, ebooks, extreme sports, fitness, health, neo-tech, objectivism, relationships, self help, self improvement, serialadventures, spirituality, survivalism, Uncategorized. 2 comments.

Youth and Innocence B

The process is as follows:

1 It is easy to give away energy.
2 It is difficult to give away energy.
3 Energy is taken from us.
4 Energy is painfully taken from us.
5 we painfully are forced to generate more energy.
6 With difficulty we work and generate more energy.
7 We just feel a drain on us that is a mild irritation.
8 It becomes effortless to generate the energy and we once more have a surplus and the world expands before us.

This process can be followed with any of the seven energy types.

Abstract Spiritual

1 Easy to love
2 difficult to love
3 love is withheld
4 love is lost
5 love in face of rejection
6 love in spite of rejection
7 love without expectation of return
8 love unconditionally

Concrete Spiritual

1 easy to intuit
2 difficult to intuit
3 extremely difficult to intuit
4 impossible to intuit
5 intuit through trial and error-process of elimination
6 intuit from what is missing or not there
7 intuit shadow self
8 intuit true self

Abstract Mental

1 easy to focus
2 difficult to focus
3 extremely difficult to focus
4 impossible to focus
5 many fragments click together
6 refine big picture
7 broad paradigm
8 integrated personal philosophy

Concrete Mental

1 easy to learn
2 difficult to learn
3 extremely difficult to learn
4 impossible to learn
5 learn through hard work
6 learn through hobbies
7 learn from life’s experiences
8 Each moment is a learning process

Upper Emotional

1 easy to experience joy and happiness
2 not so easy to experience joy and happiness
3 extremely difficult to experience joy and happiness
4 joy and happiness seem impossible
5 irony and dry humor
6 a bitter-sweet joy in life
7 easy humor
8 regain joy and happiness doing things we love doing

Lower Emotional

1 use anger to achieve goals
2 anger doesn’t work as well to achieve goals
3 anger only helps occasionally to get goal
4 anger won’t get us our goal
5 anger works against us
6 anger creates problems for us
7 anger and frustration while achieving goal
8 anger in form of determination and stamina is used to achieve goal


1 unconditional love of family
2 difficulty with family
3 extremely hard times with family
4 impossible family-leave home
5 impossible family-return home
6 new family-difficult adjustment period
7 difficult to accept new family roles
8 new family roles and stations accepted

In each case we can regain the ease and vitality we once had as children by learning to generate our own surplus of that type of energy.

Modern Survivalism gives the basics for modern survivalism and self empowerment techniques.This is the OAK 2nd Degree study material and the ultimate self-help book. Empower yourself today!This book is available as a quality paperback for $16.60 or an email download for $6.25!

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?


Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports

June 28, 2008. adventure, astral projection, books, ebooks, extreme sports, fitness, health, neo-tech, objectivism, relationships, self help, self improvement, serialadventures, spirituality, survivalism. Leave a comment.

Youth and Innocence A

Before we are born we exist in the astral with the total accumulation of energies we have acquired during our past lifetimes. There are genetic and etheric bonds that link us to our future parents. Some call these bonds karmic bonds.

We choose our parents and they choose us. In giving us life part of both parents has united genetically and etherically to fashion a physical vehicle that can contain the energies making up our soul. At the moment of birth we are more alive and vital than we will be at any time in our lives.

Our Holy Guardian Angel is functioning in harmony with our Shadow. They both wish to keep us alive and healthy. We bring into this life the energy we carry with us from past lives. This energy supplements all areas of living as a form of grace or protection.

Our abstract spiritual and concrete spiritual bodies are developed and very active. Babies are very intuitive and capable of psychically knowing things about the environment.

Most babies are surrounded with spiritual love and light. They have strong auras. Their abstract mental energies are high. Babies have an intense ability to focus all of their energy on one thing at a time.

The ability to focus is so complete the need seldom lasts a long time. It is the opposite of a short attention span. In seconds they assimilate the usefulness of an object and become bored with it. See it. Taste it. Feel it. Hear it. Smell it. Break it. What else is there to do with it?

Concrete mental energies are awesome. A child learns as much or more within the first six years of life as in the entire rest of his or her life altogether.

Upper emotional energies make the lives of most children lives of happiness and adventure as new horizon after horizon opens before them in beauty and wonder. Life is a joyous exploration as the world unfolds in all of its splendor.

Lower emotional energy is strong also. Children get angry and stubborn when they don’t get what they want. They become adept at getting the things they want from other people.

Etheric energies are very powerful in children. Family ties are very strong and a child’s love for parents and siblings is unconditional.

At birth all of these energies are at a maximum within the newborn and only the parental bonds have been established; especially the bond with the mother. They flow through the entire body in an unrestricted manner. The energy of love flows through these bonds as well as others.

This energy represents the energies carried over from past lifetimes. As the child interacts with others and gains experience he or she establishes astral connections that draw this energy away in an expansive manner. The natural energy reserve is like money that is gradually spent through experiences with others. The world expands before the child and absorbs the child’s energy. The child absorbs the experience. This happens with each form of energy and represents the expansiveness and innocence of youth.

A point is reached when the child has given out his or her ready supply of energy. When this happens the energy flow reverses and what was an expansive experience becomes a restrictive experience. This reversal of polarity occurs normally in the troubled teenage years and marks what we have come to call the loss of innocence. This loss of innocence is very painful and will happen sooner or later at every level as our energy reserves run out. Our grace period has run out and we need to generate our own energy to stay alive.

The physical body can learn to generate these energies and slow or even reverse the aging process. It is extremely difficult for most people to generate all seven types of energy. Most are able to generate a few of them and they remain young in the areas that they have learned to generate energy. They continue to age in the areas of those energies they don’t generate.

Modern Survivalism gives the basics for modern survivalism and self empowerment techniques.This is the OAK 2nd Degree study material and the ultimate self-help book. Empower yourself today!This book is available as a quality paperback for $16.60 or an email download for $6.25!

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?


Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports

June 26, 2008. adventure, astral projection, books, ebooks, extreme sports, fitness, health, neo-tech, objectivism, relationships, self help, self improvement, serialadventures, spirituality, survivalism, Uncategorized. Leave a comment.


Occasionally something happens in life that most would consider a miracle. These events are awesome and fearsome displays of physical power and endurance that seem superhuman to us or unnatural.

The mother that lifts a car to save a child is one type of this experience. In this type of experience thought does not enter. There is only the child and the need to save the child.
There are variations of this where people are saved from drowning or from burning buildings. In each variation people risk their own life and health without thought of personal safety. Their concern is totally focused on the person they need to save.

Another type of miracle is the “berserker rage” where some invincible power comes upon a person in the middle of a fight or battle. Such warriors were thought to be touched by the gods and unbeatable in battle. They are able to overwhelm the opposition with the fury of their attack.

A variation of this is anytime a person gets their way by overwhelming all opposition through force of personality. These people are so sure of themselves that they never doubt or think about whether they are right or not. The thought never crosses their mind and they are very difficult to stop. They know they are right and that rightness fuels their actions.

Some institutionalized people with mental and/or emotional disorders show another type of miracle. At times these people can perform feats of superhuman strength like kicking out a 10 foot high window, ripping leather work shoes apart barehanded, and taking plumbing fixtures off walls without tools.

Others can perform strange feats of cunning like picking locks or knowing the birthdays of hundreds of people and not even be able to dress themselves. These are the idiot savants.

Somehow these otherwise handicapped individuals are able to focus effort and will long enough and with enough force to perform things we think of as superhuman.

Still another type of miracle is the type of performance expressed by professional athletes and martial artists. The martial artist can break blocks of wood or bricks bare handed by striking them in a special way with a special force.

The Olympic athlete is continuously breaking new records in what it is possible for the human body to achieve. They are constantly doing what has never been done before.
These people repeat a series of actions over and over until the action is automatic. The body performs the action without conscious thought and awareness or rather by a special type of awareness and focus that has been developed.

What do all of these “miracles” have in common?

They all exhibit some type of action we consider superhuman, some superhuman strength, stamina, agility or resourcefulness. In each case the action is performed without conscious thought or awareness but instead with a type of instinctive body awareness. In each case there is a terrific intent and focus of energies toward a very specific goal. This is an unthinking focus.

In these actions the entire being is directed into the physical activity. Nothing is held back. There is no room for doubt or hesitation of any kind.

From this we learn it is possible to perform physical action without conscious thought. Driving a car might be one example and doing our job might be another. These are tasks become so routine our body does them without our full attention or awareness. The behavior becomes automatic for us.

To achieve a physical goal we not only physically perform the needed actions but we perform those actions until they become automatic for us. We perform the physical actions automatically without even thinking about them.

Proper habits and behaviors will lead us toward our goal even when we are not thinking about our goal. When the brain shuts down training takes over. Become trained and then stop thinking and let our training carry us through to the final goal.

Be tightly focused toward one goal and only one goal at a time. Master one skill until it becomes automatic and only then attempt to master another skill. Energy and efforts must not be diverted but contained. At the very least have separate distinct efforts and actions for each goal and keep these efforts and actions separate from each other.

Finish what we start and put closure on those things we have finished. If there are three things to do, the proper technique is to concentrate only on one action and bring that action to some type of closure. Only then go to the next action and concentrate exclusively on that physical action and bring it to some type of closure.

As an example one hour of the day might be reserved exclusively for making business calls. Another hour might be reserved for reading and answering incoming mail. Yet another couple hours might be spent on project development and design.

By doing only one physical action and skill at a time and bringing each to a proper closure a miraculous amount of work can be accomplished in a short period of time with a minimum of wasted time and energy. If a person writes three pages of a book every day they will have written three books in a year’s time.

If a person writes twenty pages one day and five the next and nothing else for a week no momentum is built up and each effort to restart takes added effort and energy. The person without momentum and habit will rarely accomplish the goals they want because they never have enough time or energy to work toward those goals.

The last factor toward achieving miracles is to put everything we have into what we are doing. Believe intensely and follow through until a conclusion is reached. No halfway or halfhearted measures will ever work. Put everything into the achievement of our goal.
By keeping these things in mind we can achieve miracles in our own lives. List those goals that we believe in and resolve to achieve them.

Resolve to a course of physical action that will lead to the achievement of our goal. By breaking each action down into small specific physical tasks and setting aside a specific time for doing these tasks they will get done in a timely manner. We train to do what needs to be done. Then we let ourselves do it.

Last break away from each task after the allotted amount of time and bring a closure to concentrate totally on the next task. In doing a task our full effort must be on the accomplishment of that task. We should not be thinking about some other task. Be tightly focused on each goal and give that goal everything while working on it. When we are done with it we leave it completely.

If we have several goals we must make certain a portion of each day or each week is devoted toward the achievement of that goal and a momentum established. These actions must become habit.

Time must be made and set aside for family and social life. Each week include a social activity and a family activity that is planned and followed through on. Good intentions do not count, only physical actions count. Time must be made and set aside for hobbies and special interests.

It must become habitual and automatic to devote time and energy toward each goal in life. Work is not the time to think of family and don’t bring work home to family. All of these goals must be attended to separately and habitually until life and success become automatic to us. Our entire life can become a miracle.

Modern Survivalism gives the basics for modern survivalism and self empowerment techniques.This is the OAK 2nd Degree study material and the ultimate self-help book. Empower yourself today!This book is available as a quality paperback for $16.60 or an email download for $6.25!

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?


Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports

June 24, 2008. adventure, astral projection, books, ebooks, extreme sports, fitness, health, neo-tech, objectivism, relationships, self help, self improvement, serialadventures, spirituality, survivalism, Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

The Gift of Life

Deep within us something rejoices at the sight of a newborn baby. Each child is a treasure and sacred. The mother of the child is the bringer of life. The innocence of childhood with its joy of living does not need to be lost as we grow older.

We can regain the joy of living we once had as children. To all of us the gift of life is sacred. We are given the limited time we have to advance humanity’s position on planet Earth.

It is wrong to waste that time in self-destructive or non-productive activities. It is also wrong to destroy the life of another in an act of aggression for personal gain.

It is important we have respect for the lives of others and allow them the space and freedom to live and grow. There is no need to fear allowing others freedom and space. There is a difference in fighting to defend our selves and in the violence of war, rape, pillage and murder. When unprovoked never strike the first blow that harms another.

However, when a conflict is inevitable the first blow should be ours and that blow should be decisive. Imagine that we drive to a shopping center late one evening for some last minute shopping and leave the store to return to our car. We are pushing a cart of groceries before us.

As we enter the parking lot and near our car a suspicious and threatening person advances toward us. Looking wildly around for an escape route we see another person coming up behind us. There is no escape and we are stabbed, beaten and die in that dark parking lot because someone wanted our money to buy drugs.

We were so paralyzed with fear we were unable to make one move to defend ourselves. We lived and we died a helpless victim. The policeman around the corner arrived too late to save us.

But what about our loved ones? Our spouse, our children, siblings and parents are suddenly also victims. With our death an important part of their lives is gone forever and we did not lift a finger to prevent it. We were frozen with fear.

Because of our inability to act our loved ones will spend the rest of their lives with any empty space we could have filled. Because of our lack of awareness we failed those that loved us at the time they needed us most.

The gift of life is not simple. When we die our death affects the lives of many other people and they become victims also.

We have an obligation to those we love and those that love us. We have an obligation to choose the manner and time of our own death as much as humanly possible. We are obligated to die with dignity and honor if it is within our power to do so.

Be aware enough to recognize and avoid dangerous situations. When it is not possible to avoid a situation have the awareness and competence to initiate appropriate action and control the outcome of the situation. If we need to fight, make sure we strike the first blow and it causes damage. Hopefully it will cause enough damage to end the fight before there even is a fight.

If we die in such a battle we die with dignity and honor. Our loved ones will still mourn our deaths but they will gain comfort in knowing we fought and we never compromised. They will know we inflicted damage on those that destroyed us.

Think of the joy and happiness of our loved ones if we live through such an encounter because we fought back in self-defense. We now have the rest of our lives to share with them.

The family bonds in life are most sacred. It is important we can fight for the safety and protection of those we love. It is not wrong to fight for those we love; it is an obligation. We never know when we may need to fight for survival.

Have the knowledge and ability to fight with teeth and fingernails if those are the only weapons we have. There is within each one of us the capacity for fearful violence and we need to make it our friend. It will work for our survival in such desperate times of need. Our capacity for physical violence is our friend.

It is there to save our lives and the lives of those we love. It is not right to deny and suppress this aspect of who we are. It is a part of being human.

Our children will know and have comfort in the knowledge that we will do anything in our power to protect and save them from threatening situations. We will even give our lives for them if necessary.

Our spouse can feel safe knowing we will always give our support when they need it. They can count on us to do our part and we will support them in doing their part. They can feel our home is a place of safety and refuge.

Our parents need not fear old age because we will be there to take care of them when they need us. Our parents can know we have the ability and the strength to take care of them. Our siblings can see us as examples and draw encouragement from our own successes in life.

We can strive to be living examples so in our death our lives will be remembered.

Care about neighborhood and town and do your part to see it is a safe place to live in. By caring about the safety and welfare of those we love, we benefit others in the community at the same time.

The key to a safe community is to be capable of doing what is needed. We can provide the safety and protection for ourselves and for those we love. The policeman will always be around the corner and out of earshot when we need him. Never expect the policeman to do what we can’t do for ourselves and for each other. It is wrong to give away power and responsibility to a policeman that we should keep for ourselves. It will never be in our best interests to do so.

It is your life. Keep it in your hands!

Modern Survivalism gives the basics for modern survivalism and self empowerment techniques.This is the OAK 2nd Degree study material and the ultimate self-help book. Empower yourself today!This book is available as a quality paperback for $16.60 or an email download for $6.25!

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?


Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports

June 22, 2008. adventure, astral projection, books, ebooks, extreme sports, fitness, health, neo-tech, objectivism, relationships, self help, self improvement, serialadventures, spirituality, survivalism, Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

Like a Rock

There are times in life when we need to stand fast, resolute, invulnerable like a rock. In times of assault and trial we feel the need to stand true to our inner convictions, true to what we believe even in the face of death itself.

At such times we are like a rock in our faith and it is a source of strength to us. This is a sound defensive strategy. It is easier to take a defensive position and resist all attacks rather than attack a superior force or opponent.

It is sound judgment to let the opposition wear itself out and deplete its energy while we retain ours through a tight defensive position.

This concept of standing like a rock has a very solid foundation on physical reality and draws strength from physical reality. It also shows the wisdom of caution and non-aggression while remaining true to who we really are.

Due to the hierarchical nature of life as we develop our own personal power we earn the right to a better position in life. A position in life that holds more options for us and more chances for fulfillment. This means we may eventually take over a position that someone else already holds.

All positions within the hierarchy are always filled. As soon as a position becomes vacant the proper person fills it. Our struggle to advance becomes a threat to those that currently hold the position we are striving for and they will resist fiercely, not out of malice toward us but in the interests of self-preservation.

They wish to retain the position they currently hold. It is currently popular to believe the advancement of our own interests and pursuit of happiness should not be a threat to anyone else. The truth is that nature is always filled to capacity and the finite world we live in will not grow larger.

When we advance someone somewhere looses a little space. The opposite is also true. When someone somewhere looses a little bit there is an opening we can advance into. This happens naturally as people in the work force age and retire leaving empty positions to be filled by younger people. The difference between these two methods is profound. The first is aggression and open attack for power and position in life. The individual attempts to force his or her will on others.

In the second method a person stays at his or her current position slowly and gradually gaining personal power as little openings present themselves and at the proper moment in time the person in a higher position retires or withdraws and that newly vacated position is offered to the proper person. In this method there is no fighting for position and power because it is naturally recognized which person is proper for the new position.

There is no need to attack people that hold positions we aspire to. In the fullness of time and when it is appropriate that position will become ours if it is meant to be. It is wise to be content with our own growth and personal evolution and not threaten people.
There is no need to attack them. They may even at some point attack us simply because our increased energy is becoming a threat to them.

Many times they feel trapped in positions that are becoming too much for them to handle and they want a way out. Attacking us is often a way to hasten their own retirement in an honorable way. Such people feel it is better to die fighting for something than to be confined for the rest of their living years in an old folks home as they die from a degenerative disease.

When we desire personal growth in life our actions will often result in others attacking us at some point. Our efforts toward self-fulfillment are making it more difficult for others to achieve their own personal goals. There is a conflict of interest in even the most innocent of goals at times. We might want what others want and they might want what we want.

To believe otherwise is to bury one’s head in the sand and refuse to see the world as it exists. To admit the realities of life is to come to terms with them in a way that treats others with respect and dignity.

In taking a defensive position and asserting ourselves a little at a time as the opportunity presents we can advance without loosing our respect for human life and dignity. If others choose to fight us in battle we have the sacred trust to respect their right in this choice and also the sacred trust to fight back with every ounce of power and energy available to us. We can respect those we battle with as fellow warriors that wish to die in battle or go down fighting.

When others attack it is vital we hold our own against them. We stand firm to what we believe in the face of death itself. Our position is rightfully earned through the honest development of personal power and the accumulated energy of physical work. We do not need to back down.

Often those that attack us once earned the position they now hold. They no longer have the right to that position because they have abused it or have become unfit for it in some manner. These people seek to hold their position through fear and intimidation and not through personal ability. It is a moral wrong to surrender to these people when it is within our power to advance into a position that is rightfully one we have earned.

It may be morally wrong to aggressively force our way into positions of power and influence but it is equally wrong to avoid those positions if they are offered to us either as a gift or through the aggressions of others. It is not morally wrong to take the power away from a bully that uses intimidation and terror to achieve his or her goals.

Life situations can take on the quality of opening a can of worms. An action that seems very simple and straightforward can entangle us in a hopeless mess that will drain away our energy reserves. Those in higher positions will attempt to draw us into situations that will entangle us. These people are adept at finding any weak spots we may have and use them against us.

The key to dealing with these situations is to remain purely defensive. Establish a boundary and don’t let an opponent cross that boundary. Remain true to our own interests and keep our efforts and energies away from entanglements and lost causes.

In this way even our weaknesses turn into strengths as we gain awareness of them and are forced to deal with them in an appropriate manner. Often our greatest weaknesses when honestly confronted and owned become our greatest strengths and assets.

Do not aggressively attack for positions of power and influence. Those in the superior positions will hold the advantage and often turn our own efforts against us. They have the ability to twist and distort our own efforts in a way that will advance their own position. When we refuse to attack they have no means of diverting us and drawing us into unprofitable activities. They can do nothing and we can quietly continue our efforts at personal growth in peace and tranquility.

By remaining in a tightly focused defensive position we can wait out any attack and weather the storm. When the storm is over we will be free to assume the positions in life we have earned through our own hard effort. Our enemies will have destroyed themselves by battering themselves against the solid rock of our defense. Openings for advancement will appear.

Modern Survivalism gives the basics for modern survivalism and self empowerment techniques.This is the OAK 2nd Degree study material and the ultimate self-help book. Empower yourself today!This book is available as a quality paperback for $16.60 or an email download for $6.25!

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?


Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports

June 20, 2008. adventure, astral projection, books, ebooks, extreme sports, fitness, health, neo-tech, objectivism, relationships, self help, self improvement, serialadventures, spirituality, survivalism, Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

Freedom B

In the open acknowledgment of this we will grant each other respect and tolerance and if the time comes when we must fight we will fight as brothers or sisters. When we die it will be with honor and dignity knowing that our voice has been heard and that we have made a difference. We will know we have given our best and we have died free.

The great enemy of freedom is external authority. Freedom comes from within us. External authority is any person or thing we surrender our own power to, anything outside ourselves that we submit to.

We each have the sacred right to live according to the voice of our conscience and not according to external authority.

There is a major force in our lives that always attempts to control our lives and destinies. This is the main external authority in our lives.

This force is our social obligation we must pay simply by being a part of humanity. This force is known as the will of the collective and is an external authority. We must force a compromise with this tyrant that is a win-win situation. This force is not in our best interests. We must never allow ourselves to believe the collective will of humanity is in our own personal best interests. Its only purpose is the best interests of humanity as a whole and it will always sacrifice individuals for the greater good of the whole if it is allowed to do so.

In a form of paradox we contribute the most to the advancement of the human race by being individuals to the greatest of our ability. When we follow our inner authority, the Master Within, or the voice of our conscience, humanity advances. When we demand to be free the human race becomes free.

When we demand obedience to the collective everyone is enslaved. We become sacrifices for the good of the people. The collective will of humanity is an enemy to personal freedom and it always will be. It is stronger than the individual and always will be. We can resist the collective with all our will and all our might and the best we can hope for is a win-win situation.

By resisting the collective we can force a win-win situation and force the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual growth and evolvement of the human race. This is the appropriate goal of the Master. In this manner the human race evolves into new stages of awareness and being.

It is in the fighting of a battle we know we can’t win that we truly become Masters in life.

We become Masters when we make a difference in the world. Our lives and our efforts can count toward the advancement of humanity and the advancement of all life on earth. It can do this only if we are free!

Modern Survivalism gives the basics for modern survivalism and self empowerment techniques.This is the OAK 2nd Degree study material and the ultimate self-help book. Empower yourself today!This book is available as a quality paperback for $16.60 or an email download for $6.25!

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?


Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports

June 16, 2008. adventure, astral projection, books, ebooks, extreme sports, fitness, health, neo-tech, objectivism, relationships, self help, self improvement, serialadventures, spirituality, survivalism, Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

Freedom A

Freedom is a powerful word and it evokes powerful images within each of us. To each of us freedom may be something different. Freedom is a need and it may express itself in many ways to many forms of life, not only human life. Freedom may be expressed as:

The need to be free as a falcon. The need for family. The need to hunt. The need to kill or be killed. The need to fly and soar. The need to find our own true will. The need to live and die with honor. The need to be true to ourselves at all cost. The need to live according to our conscience. The need to find the Master Within.

When we grant others personal freedom and respect we have the right to demand the same freedom and respect be granted to us. There is a great difference between the concept of live and let live and this concept. In the freedom concept we acknowledge that others have a need to act in the manner they choose. We also acknowledge we have a need to act in the manner of our choosing.

Most importantly we acknowledge the dynamic necessity of each of us living in the same world. The concept of live and let live is passive and carefully avoids the placing of value or morality on any type of life. It denies the need for any conflict in life. In the use of this concept we avoid the need of giving our support to others. This concept is one of withdrawal and isolation. Live and let live does not work.

Each one of us is a unique individual. We each have personally experienced things others have not experienced. We know some things from first hand experience others only speculate about. The people and environment in my life are different from those in anyone else’s life. The differences exist even to those closest to me because my world is seen through my eyes and their world in seen through their eyes.

Everyone must walk a unique and individual path in life. One person’s weakness may be another person’s strength. There is no way to say that any one path is better than any other path.

Nature has ordained all paths must be walked so we may discover which paths are the best. We must be able to be supportive of those that walk a path different from ours. This is especially true when someone’s path is in conflict with our own. The concept of live and let live does not allow or encourage this support of others. The concept of allowing each to have personal freedom does allow this.

There is a need to acknowledge the rightness of competition. There is a need to be able to say “may the best man, woman or team win.” There is a need to acknowledge the dynamic vitality of life. There is a need to be united in the mutual need for freedom as opposed to just passively letting everyone do their own thing. There is a need to become involved in the lives of others and in community. There is a need to create an environment where others can flourish in a supportive atmosphere.

There is also at times a need to tell others to back off and alter certain behaviors that are disruptive. At times there is a need to confront others. There is at times a need to fight for what we believe in.

The concept of live and let live is a subtle erosion of our personal freedoms. It does this through passiveness and through the withdrawal and isolation it encourages. If we make an important discovery, develop an important product or have a talent we wish to share with others we must project ourselves outward into the rest of humanity and let our voice be heard.

This is not live and let live. This is actual impingement into the private lives of others. This is having the effrontery to dare to contribute anything of value to the human race. This is caring enough to try making a difference in human affairs. This is the opposite of live and let live and it is vital if humanity is to progress.

Support each other in the fulfillment of our individual needs. Each path is difficult. Finding our true path is often the hardest thing we have to do in life. Often we learn through the process of trial and error and our failures in life. We must be allowed the freedom to experience our own failures as well as our victories. We must be allowed to do the wrong things or attempt to do the wrong things and be smashed down in consequence.

We must be allowed to smash those that would harm us or our loved ones.

We must be allowed to assert our desires and our beliefs so that others can interact with us in appropriate ways. We must allow others the right to assert their desires and beliefs so we can interact with them in appropriate ways.

Each person must be allowed the freedom to go after what he or she wants in life. We must be allowed to compete against others in open competition. We must each know we have the right to change our world for better or for worse through the choices and actions we choose. We must each know we will kill if needed to protect those persons, ideals and things we love.

Modern Survivalism gives the basics for modern survivalism and self empowerment techniques.This is the OAK 2nd Degree study material and the ultimate self-help book. Empower yourself today!This book is available as a quality paperback for $16.60 or an email download for $6.25!

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?


Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports

June 14, 2008. adventure, astral projection, books, ebooks, extreme sports, fitness, health, neo-tech, objectivism, relationships, self help, self improvement, serialadventures, spirituality, survivalism, Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

Family and Love

The bonds of family and the bonds of love are the strongest bonds possible. We must have the support of those closest to us or we will fail. When our parents, spouse, children and relatives are supportive of us we have the energy and strength that it takes to win in life.

The love, support and energy that we receive from loved ones can get us through any troubles life might send our way. With the support of those we love, we can do miracles. Jesus said he was able to heal the sick and perform other miracles because the people had faith and believed in him.

The opposite is also true, when family members don’t believe in us it drains our energy and vitality. When we are in conflict with members of our family it is almost impossible to achieve our goals in life.

One of the greatest assets a person can have is the support of those he loves. One of the greatest liabilities a person can have is the disbelief or skepticism of those closest to him. Most successful people have the support of family and loved ones. These people create dynasties and involve family members in their achievements. These people have the ability to make their personal goals also family goals.

The family business is an example of this principle. If we can gain the support of our loved ones we are extremely blessed and fortunate. It may be possible to get them even more involved.

This support is the most powerful force for success there is. If our loved ones are not supportive of our goals we have a very serious problem.

The problem is even more serious than many suppose. In the long run our success may cost us our relationship with our loved ones. It may turn into an issue of keeping our goals or keeping our family.

To achieve our goals when those around us are not supportive we must work much harder and with much more resolve to achieve any tangible result. It is possible to achieve our goals but requires tremendous effort that others with support will not have to put out.

Once we have achieved our goals and our loved ones see we are successful they may become supportive of us in the achievement of future goals. This is quite common. We need to demonstrate we have an ability to achieve our goals.

We will need quite a bit of time and space away from non-supportive loved ones. We will need to demand it for ourselves. They might not understand this need. It may cause conflict within relationships until they can accept it. Once they see how important these goals are to us they may become more supportive of us.

We will need to find others that are supportive of us and the achievement of our goals. We need to find people trying to achieve the same type of goals we are trying to achieve. These people will become a second family to us. They may even become more important to us than our own family.

We can share our goals and frustrations with these new people and they will be supportive of us. We in turn must learn to listen to them and be supportive of their goals. These new friends may enter into our lives in permanent ways.

The bottom line is we can’t achieve our goals totally alone and by ourselves. There must be some people that believe in us. There must be people that offer support and encouragement when they are needed.

When we are totally alone we must reach out and find others if we want to achieve our goals. We must create a second family and invest time and energy into it. That time and energy will be returned many times over what we have given.

We can hold the vision and perform the actions needed to achieve our goals but it is the energy of others that will give life to our creations. We can create the flower but it is the support of others that will allow that flower to grow into the beautiful rose it is meant to be. Without the support of others that rose will remain stunted and wilted in a hostile environment. It will remain alive but its life will be a struggle and its beauty will be fragile.

It is important we realize how to be supportive of the goals of the ones we love. We should take an interest in what they are doing and if possible contribute or get involved in a supportive way.

Each individual close to us has an individual goal he or she is trying to reach. Do we know what that goal is?

Are we supportive of their efforts to achieve that goal? What actions can we take to be more supportive to the individuals we love? Can we give them the space and time they require if we don’t agree with them? Are we doing our share and holding up our end of each individual relationship?

Are we creating an environment that those we love can grow and flourish in?

Modern Survivalism gives the basics for modern survivalism and self empowerment techniques.This is the OAK 2nd Degree study material and the ultimate self-help book. Empower yourself today!This book is available as a quality paperback for $16.60 or an email download for $6.25!

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?


Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports

June 12, 2008. adventure, astral projection, books, ebooks, extreme sports, fitness, health, neo-tech, objectivism, relationships, self help, self improvement, serialadventures, spirituality, survivalism, Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

Winning B

Those in positions of power through chance or birth can not withstand the advances of those that struggle for a better world through personal effort. Life is dynamic and each position within the hierarchy is open to the competitive newcomer. It is always possible to win a better life. It is also possible to lose your position in life to someone that is more qualified, someone that puts out more effort.

At first we don’t know how to get the things we want in life. We have no experience and our “computer program” doesn’t include the proper steps for us to take. We can only work within our programming and our programming doesn’t include how to attain our goal.

All we have in the beginning is a strong desire to achieve our goal. As we hold this desire within us it gradually gains strength and will subconsciously lead us toward ways of achieving our goal.

This subconscious behavior occurs during the development of spiritual energies within us. Our longing takes on the importance of a spiritual quest. The development of spiritual energies is passive and we don’t realize any volition on our part.

One day apparently by accident we talk to someone or see a book about our goal. Our goal has found us; we have not found our goal.

This spiritual longing develops into a mental study of how to achieve our goal. We become aware of behaviors and activities that will lead us toward our goal. We also become aware of behaviors that lead us away from our goal.

We learn as much as we can about the achievement of our goal from as many sources as possible. At a critical point we attempt to put into our own words and understanding those things we have learned from outside sources. We attempt to make this knowledge our own, individually suited to our personal situation in life.

We attempt to plan a course of action that will allow us to achieve our goal. The time will come when mental thinking is not enough. We will have enough confidence in our plan that our emotions will force us to take risks in a beginner fashion.

As beginners we try in our first attempts to achieve our goal and discover that the achievement of the goal is not as easy as we had first thought. Things are much more complex. In our efforts we are achieving first hand experience relating both to our personal situation and toward the achievement of our goal.

Only pure desire and truly wanting to win will give us the emotional energy to physically go onward in spite of personal fears, lead feet, weak knees and get through this difficult novice stage.

Winning is a learning process and a cycle. We go from awkward beginner to basic familiarity to high competence in the area of winning our goal.

Each step or stage must take place as an easy gradient. Set a realistic goal for ourselves within a realistic time frame.

The final end result is always the same. That which is truly earned gives more joy and satisfaction than that which is no challenge at all. We enjoy challenges to the extent that we can solve the challenges.

When we are confronted by a challenge that is too big for us it can shatter our lives. We must be able to break any challenge up into small goals that are achievable. When we do this any goal is achievable. When we do this we can win.

Modern Survivalism gives the basics for modern survivalism and self empowerment techniques.This is the OAK 2nd Degree study material and the ultimate self-help book. Empower yourself today!This book is available as a quality paperback for $16.60 or an email download for $6.25!

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?


Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports

June 10, 2008. adventure, astral projection, books, ebooks, extreme sports, fitness, health, neo-tech, objectivism, relationships, self help, self improvement, serialadventures, spirituality, survivalism, Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

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