Winning B

Those in positions of power through chance or birth can not withstand the advances of those that struggle for a better world through personal effort. Life is dynamic and each position within the hierarchy is open to the competitive newcomer. It is always possible to win a better life. It is also possible to lose your position in life to someone that is more qualified, someone that puts out more effort.

At first we don’t know how to get the things we want in life. We have no experience and our “computer program” doesn’t include the proper steps for us to take. We can only work within our programming and our programming doesn’t include how to attain our goal.

All we have in the beginning is a strong desire to achieve our goal. As we hold this desire within us it gradually gains strength and will subconsciously lead us toward ways of achieving our goal.

This subconscious behavior occurs during the development of spiritual energies within us. Our longing takes on the importance of a spiritual quest. The development of spiritual energies is passive and we don’t realize any volition on our part.

One day apparently by accident we talk to someone or see a book about our goal. Our goal has found us; we have not found our goal.

This spiritual longing develops into a mental study of how to achieve our goal. We become aware of behaviors and activities that will lead us toward our goal. We also become aware of behaviors that lead us away from our goal.

We learn as much as we can about the achievement of our goal from as many sources as possible. At a critical point we attempt to put into our own words and understanding those things we have learned from outside sources. We attempt to make this knowledge our own, individually suited to our personal situation in life.

We attempt to plan a course of action that will allow us to achieve our goal. The time will come when mental thinking is not enough. We will have enough confidence in our plan that our emotions will force us to take risks in a beginner fashion.

As beginners we try in our first attempts to achieve our goal and discover that the achievement of the goal is not as easy as we had first thought. Things are much more complex. In our efforts we are achieving first hand experience relating both to our personal situation and toward the achievement of our goal.

Only pure desire and truly wanting to win will give us the emotional energy to physically go onward in spite of personal fears, lead feet, weak knees and get through this difficult novice stage.

Winning is a learning process and a cycle. We go from awkward beginner to basic familiarity to high competence in the area of winning our goal.

Each step or stage must take place as an easy gradient. Set a realistic goal for ourselves within a realistic time frame.

The final end result is always the same. That which is truly earned gives more joy and satisfaction than that which is no challenge at all. We enjoy challenges to the extent that we can solve the challenges.

When we are confronted by a challenge that is too big for us it can shatter our lives. We must be able to break any challenge up into small goals that are achievable. When we do this any goal is achievable. When we do this we can win.

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Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?


Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports

June 10, 2008. adventure, astral projection, books, ebooks, extreme sports, fitness, health, neo-tech, objectivism, relationships, self help, self improvement, serialadventures, spirituality, survivalism, Uncategorized.

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