Confronting Fear

Fear is a natural and healthy emotion that lets us know something is dangerous. There are two distinct ways we can respond to fearful situations. In the jungle a lion stalks its prey. Right before the lion pounces for the kill it lets out a fearful roar. The victim either freezes in terror or bolts like lightning. If it freezes in terror its dead. If it bolts in terror it might have a chance to live another day.

Several years ago I studied the martial arts and some of the behavior patterns were sinking into my subconscious. I liked going for walks in the country, especially at night. I would walk along the road next to a creek. One night I was walking along the road when a beaver slapped its tail in the water about six feet away from me. It sounded like a shotgun going off. I was terrified and jumped almost two feet into the air.

The interesting thing is that in mid air I managed to turn around to face the sound and came down crouching in a martial arts fighting stance. When the brain goes numb the body reverts to training. This is something the military knows very well.

In my terror my body responded the way it had been trained. This was a good thing. Now another example. Several years ago I was working a job in a casino as a security guard. We patrolled the entire casino and kept an eye on things. One of my co-workers was making her rounds in the pool area when a baby fell into the pool. The mother froze. All she could do was scream. She couldn’t even make an attempt to save her baby. My co-worker dived into the pool and rescued the baby without even thinking about it.

Again the body reverts to training. Training to escape, training to rescue or even training in self-defense are vital. This is the training that allows our body to function when our minds freeze.

There will always be fearful situations in life. We will at times experience fear. We don’t need to become paralyzed by it.

A very powerful type of self-empowerment is to confront our personal fears and learn to deal with them so they loose their ability to harm us. I am afraid of heights but I can go up on roofs if I need to. I am afraid of water but I have learned how to swim enough that I can save myself in most situations.

I have been afraid of intimacy within relationships but I am learning how to cope with that as well. Confronting these types of fears becomes the work of a lifetime. It is also one of the most rewarding things a person can do.

Modern Survivalism gives the basics for modern survivalism and self empowerment techniques.This is the OAK 2nd Degree study material and the ultimate self-help book. Empower yourself today!This book is available as a quality paperback for $16.60 or an email download for $6.25!

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Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?


Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports

July 30, 2008. adventure, astral projection, books, ebooks, extreme sports, fitness, health, neo-tech, objectivism, relationships, self help, self improvement, serialadventures, spirituality, survivalism, Uncategorized. 1 comment.

Change Attitude by Changing Behavior

Sometimes our attitude sucks! Attitude is a mix of emotions and thinking. Said another way attitude is how our emotions and thoughts meet physical reality. When our expectations are realistic and positive our attitude is positive. When our expectations are unrealistic or negative our attitude becomes negative as well.

What I’m trying to get at here is the idea that attitude embraces the completeness of us at one time. Attitude is a reflection of who we are body, mind and spirit in a unified way at any given time. It reflects our true intelligence and will to live.

Using the metaphor of a robot there are two ways of programming a robot to do a task. One way is to write a computer program line by line and step by step. The computer will read the program and take the robot through the task one step at a time.

This way of programming a robot is roughly equivalent to mentally thinking a project or problem through before physically acting on it. Thinking before acting is a useful way of describing this way of dealing with things.

The problem is that sometimes we get stuck mentally or emotionally. Because our thinking is wrong or our emotions are clouding our judgment we are not able to function as well and we become frustrated. Our mind and emotions are not in accord with physical reality and our attitude sucks.

The second way of programming a robot is to place a programming device or sensor in the robot’s hand and physically move the robot’s arm through the cycle that is desired. The movement is recorded through the device and the robot is instantly able to repeat and perform the desired activity.

Let’s take a newborn infant as an example. The newborn child has no ability to move its arms or legs in a conscious or deliberate manner. No neural pathways have been developing within the brain for such movement. The mother or father plays with the infant moving its arms and legs.

This movement causes nerves to fire within the brain and nervous system and soon the infant learns to control its arms and legs by using the same circuitry within the brain. Physical movement created the neural pathway. Conscious intent used the neural pathway once it was created.

When we are stuck in life and can’t find our way out of a situation mentally or emotionally raw physical activity will burn a new neural pathway we can use. This is why people need to hit bottom when they are stuck. Hitting bottom forces raw physical activity just to stay alive. That physical activity allows a fresh start into new neural pathways. Hitting bottom will either kill us or force us to change our attitude!

An even better solution is raw physical activity without hitting bottom. We don’t need to hit bottom to change our attitude. All we need is to physically doing new things and grow through those experiences. A healthy individual finds joy and excitement in physically doing new things and learning new skills. This new knowledge and these new skills are what allow him or her to find continuing satisfaction and enjoyment in life.

The next time you find yourself stuck in a rut go out and try doing something new, something physical! Burn new neural pathways into your brain, pathways that work!

Modern Survivalism gives the basics for modern survivalism and self empowerment techniques.This is the OAK 2nd Degree study material and the ultimate self-help book. Empower yourself today!This book is available as a quality paperback for $16.60 or an email download for $6.25!

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?


Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports

July 28, 2008. adventure, astral projection, books, ebooks, extreme sports, fitness, health, neo-tech, objectivism, relationships, self help, self improvement, serialadventures, spirituality, survivalism, Uncategorized. 1 comment.

Free Will and Physical Actions

Does free will really exist? Are we slaves to a preordained destiny? These are questions that have occupied some of the greatest minds that ever lived. There are good arguments on both sides. Perhaps there never will be a correct answer but as time goes on we can get closer and closer to the truth.

I can think of at least four important factors that can be considered in this issue.

The first is the power of the human collective will and social structure. Like it or not society is greater than any individual and always will be. An individual can fight the collective will of society to a draw but they can never win. In the long run free will needs to be socially acceptable or it will encounter severe restrictions. We can’t just do whatever we want without accepting the consequences of our actions. In this respect free will is tied very closely to the consequences that it brings into our lives. We would like free will without negative consequences. Sometimes this is not possible.

“As above, so below” is a metaphysical axiom that describes how the normal flow of physical events is determined by astral events. Put more simply things happen in the astral planes first before they happen at the physical level. In my own life I have experienced this through precognitive dreams to the extent that I will dream about anything significant the night before it really happens to me. I do have precognitive dreams. “As above, so below” is a valid truth in my own life. This shows that astral events precede physical events but does not deal directly with the question of free will.

Lucid dreaming has shown me it is possible to affect change within the astral planes with a resulting change of physical outcome. I will give two examples from personal experience. I used to drive a big rig and haul cars. One night on the road I dreamed about narrowly avoiding a car by hitting the brake and turning the steering wheel.

It took an act of will to do this in the dream and there was considerable resistance. It was not something I just dreamed about, it was work and will being directed within the dream itself. The next day I narrowly avoided an accident with a car in a situation exactly as the dream had foretold. If I had not saved myself within the dream I would not have been able to save myself in the physical world.

In another lucid dream my feet were frozen or stuck to the ground and I could not move them. Through an act of will I fell over and by grabbing fistfuls of grass pulled myself along dragging my body and my feet into a new location. When you encounter resistance within dreams you are dealing with something that is very real and has force and energy behind it. Force of will can alter these things. This is one type of free will.

Lastly and most interesting is the power of physical activity and free will. The metaphor of a resonant circuit in electronics is very helpful in this illustration. Physical reality corresponds to the capacitive portion of the electronic circuit. The physical body and physical world can generate and store energy. The astral or non-physical planes correspond to the inductive portion of the circuit. Electronic theory tells us that altering either the capacitance or inductance will change the physical characteristics of the circuit. This is clear evidence that physical activity can make a powerful difference in the outcome.

Physical activity is closely tied to free will. An act of will and determination can change personal destiny. Physical activity can also change astral events before they become physical events. It does this through the generation of energy and injecting it into the astral where it works to alter pre-existing conditions.

Hard physical effort and the generation of massive amounts of energy can alter events in the astral and change the outcome but if you wait too long no amount of physical effort is enough. “As above, so below” is a cosmic law. Events will happen in the astral before they happen in the physical world. If we wait until they are happening in the physical world it is too late to change them! They need to be changed in the astral, not in the physical world.

Modern Survivalism gives the basics for modern survivalism and self empowerment techniques.This is the OAK 2nd Degree study material and the ultimate self-help book. Empower yourself today!This book is available as a quality paperback for $16.60 or an email download for $6.25!

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Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?


Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports

July 26, 2008. adventure, astral projection, books, ebooks, extreme sports, fitness, health, neo-tech, objectivism, relationships, self help, self improvement, serialadventures, spirituality, survivalism. Leave a comment.

Turn Emotions into Actions

Changing what you do is much more powerful than changing how you feel! Can’t break out of the emotional rut? Get out and do something. Fake it till you make it!

Talk to the experts and public speakers about getting psyched up before performances. Some run up to the stage and podium because it jump-starts them. Physical action is the key to getting through tough emotional times. Time after time the military has proven that when the brain shuts down the body goes on autopilot. It does what it has been trained to do.

Even more exciting, physical activity can bring unruly emotions back under control. When you are angry chop wood or go for a run and use up that excess emotional energy. It is a fuel that your physical body can take advantage of. Turn emotions into actions.

Take that anger and say “I won’t let this stop me!” Turn anger into grit and determination. Don’t let it slide into depression and apathy.

I can’t stress enough the importance of training your body to do what you want it to. Let’s use the example of brushing your teeth daily until it becomes a habit. The point is reached when you will not feel right about going to sleep if you haven’t brushed your teeth.

Habit will get you through the tough spots if your habits are constructive and well established. Your mind and emotions can be completely elsewhere and your body will carry on and get you through.

Bad habits will have just the opposite effect and stall any progress bringing your life to a screeching standstill. That’s when you slide into crippling depression and passive inactivity. There are always struggles and barriers. The choice is to continue putting forth physical effort and break through those barriers to achieve the goal.

In my own life making daily posts on the Internet has become a habit so strong it is easier to do it than not do it. These posts have become a comforting routine of steady accumulative effort. I no longer feel the need for extreme bursts of energized activity to get through the posting material. In the beginning I did.

I look forward to the 1 ½ or 2 hours I spend as a time of relaxation and work that I love. The habit of work is a comfort to me in times of stress. It feels good to see progress at the end of a day where the only good thing that came out of it was posting a new episode! For me, even a bad day is a good day in that respect.

Modern Survivalism gives the basics for modern survivalism and self empowerment techniques.This is the OAK 2nd Degree study material and the ultimate self-help book. Empower yourself today!This book is available as a quality paperback for $16.60 or an email download for $6.25!

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?


Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports

July 24, 2008. adventure, astral projection, books, ebooks, extreme sports, fitness, health, neo-tech, objectivism, relationships, self help, self improvement, serialadventures, spirituality, survivalism. 1 comment.

Emotions Can’t Reason

Emotions are intensely personal and not under conscious control. They are like having extra senses. Feeling can be rational or irrational but they can never be “right” or “wrong” in the sense that it is “right” to feel this way and it is “wrong” to feel this way. No body should ever feel guilty or ashamed about how they feel emotionally.

Only personal actions can be taken into account. There is nothing wrong with feeling like you want to kill somebody. That is an emotion you feel. It is wrong for you to act upon that emotion and physically go out and kill someone. We are responsible for our actions, we are not responsible for our emotions.

Instead listen to our emotions and try to determine why we feel the way we do. In many cases our emotions are trying to tell us that something is wrong or that something is right. That is a signal for us to be alert and cautious in what we are doing.

In magick and in physical life emotional energy must be directed and controlled by conscious intent or it will turn destructive. Emotional energy must be channeled and directed in a way that will bring positive results. In magickal practice mental energy “contains” emotional energy and directs it to the appropriate target. It is very important that our conscious mind rules physical actions and that our emotions do not rule physical actions.

This is a hard concept to understand because our conscious awareness must be very sensitive to our emotions and work with them in a supportive and positive way. Often our “inner voice” or “inner authority” speaks to us through our emotions. In learning to follow our “inner authority” we need to understand our emotions.

When I work extra hard at the gym and don’t feel like getting up the next morning it is important for me to realize why I don’t feel like getting up and then consciously make the decision to get up anyway. Emotions have extra sensory ability, they do not have reasoning ability.

Above all else emotions do not have reasoning ability and we can not trust our physical actions to guided by our emotions. We can use our emotions as extra-sensory input to assist us in consciously deciding what physical actions to take. There is a big difference.

Modern Survivalism gives the basics for modern survivalism and self empowerment techniques.This is the OAK 2nd Degree study material and the ultimate self-help book. Empower yourself today!This book is available as a quality paperback for $16.60 or an email download for $6.25!

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?


Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports

July 22, 2008. adventure, astral projection, books, ebooks, extreme sports, fitness, health, neo-tech, objectivism, relationships, self help, self improvement, serialadventures, spirituality, survivalism. Leave a comment.

Success Counts for Everything

Happiness, prosperity, health and romantic love are the rewards of a competent productive and honest life. We learn by successfully doing. These things are all based on self-esteem. Self-esteem is dependent on our ability to get results from our efforts. When we get positive results from our efforts our self-esteem increases. Self-esteem allows us to feel we have earned these things and we deserve them because of our competence. We feel good about what we have.

A high level of self-esteem requires total honesty and objectivity. What brings results one day will not always bring the same results the next day. When our efforts do not produce satisfactory results we must ruthlessly throw out those things that do not work and replace them with things that will work. This means having the ability to constantly try new things and improve upon old ones.

It also involves problem solving to discover why you are not getting the results you want. Do not throw away your life’s blood on things that do not bring results. Self-esteem is related to our ability to survive and prosper physically and independently in the real world. It happens when we have that feeling of being in control of our life and able to deal with anything. That is when we feel the happiest and most content. Self-esteem comes from taking our own power and using it through focused effort to achieve our goals in life.

The main point here is that so many people choose to throw their lives away getting poor or no results for their efforts. Much of the time this is because they are busy doing things that external authorities are telling them to do. “If I do what I am told, I will get rewarded.” This is the sick mindset that prevails in our world today. The simple truth is that the system is fixed or rigged and the only people that are successful are those that play outside the system and take unfair advantage.

External authorities will tell you what rules to follow but they will not follow those same rules in the same manner that you are expected to. There is a double standard at work and we loose!

All that I am trying to say is stop and take a real honest assessment of what is happening in your life. Are you moving toward your goals? Are you making gains every day no matter how small? Find those things you are successful in and explore them to find how they can grow even more. Seriously consider getting rid of the dead wood.

Modern Survivalism gives the basics for modern survivalism and self empowerment techniques.This is the OAK 2nd Degree study material and the ultimate self-help book. Empower yourself today!This book is available as a quality paperback for $16.60 or an email download for $6.25!

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?


Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports

July 20, 2008. adventure, astral projection, books, ebooks, extreme sports, fitness, health, neo-tech, objectivism, relationships, self help, self improvement, serialadventures, spirituality, survivalism. 2 comments.

Personal Happiness

Happiness can not be found in material possessions or in another person. Happiness is a deeply personal inner matter that is a product of our personal choices in life and the consequences of our actions. It happens when we can see the positive results of our efforts.

When we work hard toward a goal and get few or negative results there is a loss of happiness and self-esteem. When we work hard toward a goal and get many positive results our happiness and self esteem grow. When things come too easily or are given to us we tend to take them for granted and take advantage of the situation.

While this may result in short term happiness, it will not lead to long term happiness and positive self-esteem. Understanding our True Will and being clear in what we believe and stand for helps us to act in a confident and decisive manner.

We continually test our individual version of reality by keeping those things that bring results and getting rid of those things that do not bring results. Continuing to put out effort and energy in efforts that return a poor or negative yield destroys both self-esteem and happiness.

When we find ourselves not getting results from our efforts it means there is something we believe in or something we are doing that is not realistic or in agreement with the way things actually are. When we are not getting results it is time to try something else. It is time to consider we are wrong in our thinking on this particular issue. Either that or we must work harder to break through the resistance we are encountering.

Modern Survivalism gives the basics for modern survivalism and self empowerment techniques.This is the OAK 2nd Degree study material and the ultimate self-help book. Empower yourself today!This book is available as a quality paperback for $16.60 or an email download for $6.25!

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?


Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports

July 18, 2008. adventure, astral projection, books, ebooks, extreme sports, fitness, health, neo-tech, objectivism, relationships, self help, self improvement, serialadventures, spirituality, survivalism, Uncategorized. 1 comment.

Life is Short and Sacred

Life is short and sacred. Each one of us should be allowed happiness and prosperity according to our own individual needs. There are three requirements that will allow us to achieve our personal goals in life.

First we need to take care of our physical bodies. Our physical bodies are temples and should be as clean and healthy as possible inside and out. This means eating right, breathing right and getting enough physical exercise.

Second, we need a healthy self-esteem. A healthy self esteem will allow us to be confident in our own ability to overcome any obstacles and to get our individual needs met. We need to believe in ourselves and our ability to produce change in our lives.

Thirdly, we need to have a clear understanding of what we believe and act in accordance with our own personal “Truth” or paradigm. We need to be true to our inner voice and our conscience. When we understand our reason for being alive, we can act with conviction and certainty.

When we doubt ourselves and turn to external authorities for the answers that are inside of us, we are hesitant and filled with doubt. This causes us to act indecisive and weak. This includes the understanding that each person has an individual path and an individual “reality” that they must follow. Just because one thing is true for me does not mean that it must be true for the next person.

Modern Survivalism gives the basics for modern survivalism and self empowerment techniques.This is the OAK 2nd Degree study material and the ultimate self-help book. Empower yourself today!This book is available as a quality paperback for $16.60 or an email download for $6.25!

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?


Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports

July 16, 2008. adventure, astral projection, books, ebooks, extreme sports, fitness, health, neo-tech, objectivism, relationships, self help, self improvement, serialadventures, spirituality, survivalism. Leave a comment.

Giving Our Power Away

Being a victim and giving our power away go hand in hand. When we blindly follow external authorities and expect them to fix our problems, we have given them power over us.

Any external authority will be destructive and restrictive. They will not have our best interests in mind. They will have their best interests in mind.

Are we to be like the soldier that murders civilians because he was ordered to or are we going to think for ourselves and act for ourselves?

There is something inside us that is weak and wants to turn power and responsibility over to external authority like the government. Each and every time we turn to an external authority we give a portion of our personal power away and become more of a victim. Each time we wait for someone to teach or empower us we loose valuable time in our lives that could be spend in active effort.

If we refused to turn our power over to external authorities and lived according to our “True Will” the world would be a much better and safer place and we would treat each other as equals.

There is an evolutionary principle at work here. It’s time we asked the question of whether it is correct to artificially support actions and behaviors that left unsupported would collapse. Sometimes people need to hit bottom before things can get better for them. There needs to be an ending with closure and consequence.

To support things artificially goes against nature and sucks resources away from healthy enterprise. Why does our society feel that it is so important to take care of people that can’t or won’t take care of themselves? Is there a place for tough love in this confusion of co-dependency?

Modern Survivalism gives the basics for modern survivalism and self empowerment techniques.This is the OAK 2nd Degree study material and the ultimate self-help book. Empower yourself today!This book is available as a quality paperback for $16.60 or an email download for $6.25!

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?


Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports

July 14, 2008. adventure, astral projection, books, ebooks, extreme sports, fitness, health, neo-tech, objectivism, relationships, self help, self improvement, serialadventures, spirituality, survivalism. 1 comment.

Moral Absolutes

In the gray murkiness of what is right and what is wrong, there are some absolutes a person can count on: The importance of knowing your “True Will” and the perfection of your personal paradigm or view of reality. Each will be different from everyone else’s, but will be in harmony with the universe. They represent your particular place in the universe and the reason for your existence. All personal effort is cumulative in nature.
Without personal effort we will not get anywhere. We must apply ourselves and not look to others to fulfill our needs for us. Each of these require we be entirely honest with ourselves and with each other. We must be true to ourselves at all costs and allow others the same respect. There are some things unconditionally bad:
Habitual dishonesty and laziness.
Destructive actions or activity intended simply to destroy without replacing what exists with something better.
Denying individual rights or controlling others simply because they are not doing what you want them to do or controlling them for the “higher good”. This is especially true for laws and government authorities that try to control people through legal legislation.
This includes the use of force against individuals. The use of force is never justified except in self-defense or the defense of loved ones.
Giving personal power away to some higher cause or person is never in our best interests and is never justified. Those in power will always act in their own best interest and not in ours.
Always remember we find our “True Will” by listening to our “internal authority” and not some teacher or Guru. That includes these teachings as well. They are intended to make you think and decide for yourself. They are not to be accepted blindly or followed blindly.

Modern Survivalism gives the basics for modern survivalism and self empowerment techniques.This is the OAK 2nd Degree study material and the ultimate self-help book. Empower yourself today!This book is available as a quality paperback for $16.60 or an email download for $6.25!

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?


Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports

July 12, 2008. adventure, astral projection, books, ebooks, extreme sports, fitness, health, neo-tech, objectivism, relationships, self help, self improvement, serialadventures, spirituality, survivalism, Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

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