All of Life is a Celebration

This point of awareness that is I must be forever alone in the present moment. I can never leave the present moment but I can make the present moment large enough to encompass all that exists.

To do something well is a great achievement. To be a God or Goddess is to do life well. Don’t think to find us failures in what we do. There is both glory in the fight and glory in the victory. It is only the lost, the slaves, that fail or give up. The competent will scamper out of your way unhurt just as you will scamper out of their way unhurt.

Effort and hard work is cumulative in nature and will lead to success. This is always in opposition to the will of the masses that seek an effortless way and demand unearned rewards.

The sexual/bio-electrical energy transforms us into a God or Goddess. When we choose we rule the astral planes and when we choose we rule the physical world as well. We are life giving and receiving life all within the present moment of our eternal existence.

The logical and rational mind can not understand our ways and will be led to ruin. Like water we am not logical or rational. We simply flow to the ocean, our true mate.

Place a curse upon Logic and Reason. May they be cursed forever. They have no place in our existence. Logic and Reason divert us from reaching our beloved. They make the pathway harder and more difficult.

We can logically prove or disprove anything so what does logic matter? When we need to know we falter. Blessing to those that move forward without knowing. Logic and Reason lead only to paradox. They confound themselves and distort truth.

Be damned to those that feel they must follow a conscious path of logic and reason. They are lost.

Feel the sexual/bio-electrical energy stir within your loins and rejoice in the life you have been given. Live with joy and beauty. Become a God or Goddess! Transcend ordinary humanity! There are many reasons to celebrate life in all its phases and glory. All of life is a celebration!

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Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?

Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports

August 13, 2008. adventure, astral projection, books, ebooks, extreme sports, fitness, health, neo-tech, objectivism, relationships, self help, self improvement, serialadventures, spirituality, survivalism, Uncategorized.

One Comment

  1. HeidiSmith replied:

    This a interested topic. I want to share something about my self, I was 18 before when i was experience over depression and failure cause of pressure to my studies. I take many supplement to cure my depression and my pressure to studies. but i take a lot but its never helps me, but when i found out in internet that PureCalm at Brain Reseach Supplement is a brain supplement that Native Remedies claims to promote a calm mood in minutes. I buy some and i take it. And it’s graet is helps me a lot. Thnks to PureCalm and also in interernet.

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